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Hotel housekeeping injuries can be life-altering

On Behalf of | Sep 13, 2022 | Workers' Compensation |

Working in the hospitality industry as a maid or housekeeper requires lots of physical exertion for relatively low wages. Bending to strip and change the bed linens, lifting mattress corners and moving bulky furniture like armchairs and sofas with hide-a-beds back into place after guests vacate their rooms all takes a toll on the workers’ bodies.

Some injuries are acute — caused by a specific incident that’s documented due to the nature of its seriousness, e.g., a slip-and-fall that results in a fracture. Others accrue over time, like repetitive stress injuries from performing the same tasks over and over on their shifts. These, too, can damage housekeeping workers’ bodies and impede their ability to work and earn.

Industry statistics on housekeeping injuries

The International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers Associations (IUF) noted in their manual, Occupational Health and Safety for Hotel Housekeepers, that housekeeping staff here in the United States have injury rates those of all other hotel workers. Factors also noted that ethnicity and gender groups were overrepresented for injuries as well for disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system.

Below are some other statistics regarding hotel housekeeping injury rates.

  • Hospitality service workers have the highest incidents of musculoskeletal injuries
  • These workers have a 40% greater risk of work-related injuries than others working in the service sector
  • The rates of acute traumatic injuries are highest among hotel service workers

When you consider the demographic groups involved, these injuries happen to workers often perceived as having less power because of their immigration status, race, gender and other factors. 

Injured at a hotel job? You have options

Never believe that you have no legal recourse after suffering a legitimate on-the-job injury at the hotel or motel that employs you. Learn more about your right to seek compensation and medical care.

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