When you think about bruising, you may not think about a serious injury. However, bruising can be painful and indicative of a serious wound under the skin. Anything from internal bleeding to a broken bone can lead to bruising that really does need medical attention.
If you drop something on yourself or fall at work and see significant bruising developing, that bruising is a sign that you may need to go to the hospital, an urgent care or to see your primary care provider. It’s also important to keep in mind that you shouldn’t have to pay for that visit. Since you were hurt at work, you should inform your employer that you want to make a workers’ compensation claim.
Workers’ compensation covers heavy bruising, bleeding and serious injuries
Workers’ compensation, at its core is designed to protect workers who are hurt on the job. If you see bruising that is growing in size or spreading, that bruising could be a sign of dangerous injuries under the surface of the skin. If you’re having significant pain, too, you deserve an opportunity to get checked out.
What should you tell the doctor when you go to see them?
Once you decide to seek medical attention, the first thing you should do, if possible, is let your employer know. Then, when you see the doctor, tell them exactly what happened to cause the injuries. For instance, did you drop a steel pipe on your knee? If so, the bruising might be a sign that something was dislocated or that you’ve damaged cartilage, veins or arteries. By being clear that this was a work-related injury, your doctor can also put together the right paperwork for your employer, so it’s easier for you to make a claim for workers’ compensation.
While you won’t want to go through the hassle of reporting minor injuries that don’t need medical attention, seeking workers’ compensation for severe bruising and pain that you need to get checked out is appropriate. Reach out to your employer and let them know that you want to make a claim for the medical care you need to receive.